On Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 20:05, Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:

>  |IMHO, I vote for /sys rather than /proc/debug. The capability to
> There is /proc/sys/kernel/random.
>  |directly handle the system entropy pool should be an Admin privilege
>  |even before being a debug option. As well as disable that handling
>  |with an
>  |
>  |echo 1 > /sys/driver/random/entropy_handle_disable
>  |
>  |In such a way that even Admin cannot do something like
>  |
>  |echo 1 > /sys/driver/random/entropy_pool_reset
>  |
>  |or
>  |
>  |dd if=/dev/zero count=128 of=/sys/driver/random/entropy_pool
>  ...
> Access to the pool will never happen again i bet.

Well, not by /dev/random or by /dev/urandom for a matter of
back-compatibility and I agree on this. Breaking well established
interfaces is not a good policy especially when an alternative is

> And i have to concur that with the seedrng approach super fine-
> grained and secure locking in a super-parallel super-fast async
> boot process is possible.

Mixing parallel output streams into a single one like a log daemon
does, for a 4 or a 8 cores system is a great source of entropy. On the
other side, you can argue that each line of those streams' line
carries on a timestamp and this strictly enforces an order. As long as
the timestamp is fine-grained, it supplies greatly the lack of
arbitrary mixing where arbitrary means when the scheduler decides to
switch to another task.

> But i do not get his arguments, who writes during the boot, and so
> much, and if, just change to /dev/random for credit (i mean, isn't
> /dev/urandom the not-so-good thing anyhow).
> But if it is not that (random), then a trigger like yours as in
> /proc/sys/kernel/random/pool_is_seeded is not a bad idea.

Thanks Steffen.

After all, it is nothing more that a generalisation of an interface to
inject errors which usually would stay in debugfs but because can also
have a real-world production advantage - let the admin dealing with
the entropy in a straightforward manner - it could be a great way to
overcome the limitations of the ioctl() interface, in some advanced
system (most of the system can be considered advanced by this

Recently I saw a commercial about a mother board carrying up to 8 SoC
each of one with a 4-cores ARM CPU, for a total of 32 cores. That
board fully equipped was selling for less than $1000. High parallel
computing entrance barrier is not anymore as expensive as in the past,
but quite cheap. At least for everyone that can pay for a top-gamma
smartphone ($1000-$2000) and with the same money can enter into HP

Best regards, R-
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