Hello, all,


I had a Ham 4 rotor and control box taken off of my flea market table when I
was away doing some Hamfest volunteer work.


It is a very noticeably different looking Ham4 as it has been repaired...the
upper mast support structure has been reinforced with an aluminum plate on
one side and this plate has been JB Welded to the cast support.  It is
obvious that it is a "fix".   The control box is the old brown and tan metal
case type with a sort of rough top as the plastic covering folded onto
itself. I do not have a picture.


$20 reward for info leading to the recovery.


I have sold stuff at many, many hamfests and tailgates over the past 25
years and have never had anything stolen.  I've always held Hams on a bit
higher pedestal when it came to integrity.  Sad that it came to this.


Pass this onto whomever you think might be able to help.   Thanks!


Contact me..Rick - W5RH

Cell:  832-474-3713  or  713-278-6310


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