I was out running the fence line looking for what sounds like a regular click 
on 14.020.  Responded as soon as I got back after an hour long search that 
revealed nothing.  Need to do the run again tomorrow for the rest of the fence 
line.  Have lots of inner fences on the 16 acres, 20 smaller pastures in all.


Oh well, sounds like the email hogs cashed in.


73, Keith NM5G


From: CTDXCC <ctdxcc-boun...@lists.kkn.net> On Behalf Of Madison Jones
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 4:33 PM
To: WCARC <emailwc...@gmail.com>; CTDXCC <ctd...@lists.kkn.net>; TDXS 
<tdxs-l...@tdxs.net>; BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB <bvarc@bvarc.org>
Subject: Re: [CTDXCC] Yaesu FT857, FT897, FT100


It's a good thing I was not standing by the door while waiting for a response 
to my earlier post, because I would have been flattened by everyone crashing 
in. I know better than to ask you guys to dinner, but I learned that when I 
joined NARS about 30 years ago . . .


I guess y'all know a good deal when you see it. Doug W9LCQ was first in, taking 
less than 9 minutes to respond and claimed the Rig Talk and the amp key line. 
[Doug, you owe me $10 via PP to this email.] Marty W5MF was a very close second 
and he gets the generic rig talk. [Marty, see above remark to Doug.] Keith 
NM5G, you must have been taking a nap, because Marty beat you out by a whole 


Anyhoo, tnx fer the bandwidth. CU in the pileups, and for you lucky winners, 
watch your mailbox.






On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 1:48 PM Madison Jones <w5mikejul...@gmail.com 
<mailto:w5mikejul...@gmail.com> > wrote:

If you DON'T own a Yaesu FT857 (pretty common), FT897 (not very common) or 
FT100 (hoo, boy, they are really rare anymore since they are 20+ yrs old but 
probably a few around still), you can quit reading now. If you DO own one of 
these, this is for you!


I have two, count 'em two, CAT control devices available for $10 each, shipped 
to the 50 US states for free. One is a West Mountain Radio Rig Talk, the other 
is a generic Rig Talk. Both fit in a USB port of your computer. West Mountain 
Radio still manufactures these things. If you aren't familiar with CAT control, 
it is a way to use your computer to direct your transceiver with a program like 
N1MM (which is free) and is helpful in going to new frequencies which you type 
on your keyboard.


I also have for free an amplifier key line for those Yaesu devices. I used to 
own an FT100 and several different FT857s but now I don't have them anymore. If 
you have such transceivers, you can't beat the price for these devices. They 
are really handy.


AND if no one wants them within a week or two, off they go to the recycle bin, 
so don't wait.






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