Greetings all,

Just wanted to share a unique experience I had today. I was in
Massachusetts for field day. The local club in the area is in charge of the
Massachusetts stations, K2H, for the 13 Colonies special event. I was
invited to operate the station today and worked it for 2 hours, 2 to 4 pm,
Central Time. So, if you contacted K2H on 14.255 this afternoon, you were
talking to me! There was a string of stations from Houston so I figure
there's a chance someone here heard me... And sorry if you called and we
didn't hear. There was a lot of noise on the band for us today!

Enjoy the event, which lasts until Wednesday.

W5JAZ, operating from W1AST's station as K2H.
Bill Holden
(860) 874-7423
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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