*BVARC NEWS BLAST # 97 October 26, 2021*

==VE Testing Saturday 11/6
==BVARC Board Meeting via Zoom Saturday 11/6
==BVARC Elections at November Meeting 11/11
== Yet, Another Big Give Away 11/6 , details below
Monday Night BVARC Net -- 8 PM.  Visit with Dwayne, KB5YTA, as NCS.
             All are welcome to check in and stay awhile (or not)
             146.94 KE5OOG Repeater

Stir Crazy -- Week days daily at Noon -- various NCS stations.  146.94
          Check in, tell your story or just listen, but do check in.

80 Meter Rag Chew Net -- Wednesday 7 PM(local)  with John, K5LKJ, as NCS.
         Early checkins at 6:30
         Just a chance to chew the rag for an hour or so.
         3910 KHz LSB

Slow Speed CW Net -- Thursday 8 PM
        John, K5LKJ NCS  7090 KHz

*VE Testing -*- Saturday November 6 -- Bayland Park -- 10:30 AM
Contact Mark Janzer, K5MGJ, BVARC VE Coordinator
     k5...@yahoo.com     or    832-875-0526

*BVARC Board of Directors Meeting* -- Saturday November 6 ...  9AM
     Zoom is the venue,   Details on the reflector and nets during the week
     All are welcome.

*BVARC November Meeting* -- November 11  7 PM via Zoom
      Elections and presentation - TBD

*BVARC Beacon November Newsletter *-- Soon to be in your mailbox
     Currently with our crack team of fulfillment experts
     Featured Columns:
          The Presidents Says, Where in the World, The Radio Hotel and
Cutting Thru the Static

BVARC is looking for a few good women and men -- Hams, of course
November is election time
Look at giving back to your club.  Run for an office:
      2 Year At Large
      1 Year At Large
Contact W5RH or N5VCX if you have questions about any position or

Another Big Give Away -- Saturday, Nov 6    9 till noon
   Rick, W5RH, is giving away lots of stuff.  All types of Ham junque.
   Directions:  Google -- "9031 Troulon" 77036     in Sharpstown
   Wire, parts, books, old LP's, magazines, antenna parts, L's, C's,
            aluminum, audio cables, 5 drawer file cabinet on wheels...etc.
  * A few items for sale:  Kenwood 2 meter rig and PS, Bird watt meter,
Icom 746 PRO, etc......*

*For Your Amusement*
Trivia Question:
  What Steely Dan song mentions Ham Radio?
               A)  AJA
               B) The Fez
               D) King of the World
               D) Ricki Don't Lose that Number

Answer to last question:  The ARRL National Convention
                                        was held in Houston in 1983.
Comments, Fan Mail from some flounder or complaints to

My apologies for the lack of News Blasts lately.  Enjoy your hobby ---- 73
The Editor

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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