
I'd like to add support for userspace TCP/IP stacks to c-ares.

To do this, I'd like to make the following changes:

1. make ares_socket_t a struct wrapping either an int or a WIN32 SOCKET type; any operations on ares_socket_t (close, sendmsg, etc.) will be forwarded to helper functions that extract the fd and call the library function; for example

  int ares_socket_close(ares_socket_t s)
    return sclose(s.fd);

the purpose of this step is to make sure any access to socket is handled by a ship layer.

2. add a way to configure function pointers for all the ares_socket_*() functions, with defaults calling to the existing code, and change the ares_socket_*() functions to call these function pointers.

Ordinary users would see no change. Userspace TCP/IP stacks would configure the function pointers to point to their own thunks, typically looking up the fd in a map, extracting their own socket object from it, and applying the relevant operation.

Would such a change be acceptable to c-ares?


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