On 03/18/2016 02:33 AM, Tim Ruehsen wrote:


On Thursday 17 March 2016 09:36:47 Ben Greear wrote:
On 03/17/2016 08:58 AM, Giuseppe Scrivano wrote:
Hi Ben,

Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com> writes:
Did you consider using a container (e.g. docker) for such a task ? Easy
to set up and you'll have your feature not only for wget. IMO, that is
much more flexible. (It was Giuseppe's idea during a private talk).

Containers will not work for me.  I need to scale to thousands of
instances on modest hardware.  I'm certain the libcares and binding
approach will work because we do similar things with curl and other
programs already.

how modest is this hardware?

I tried to build a minimal Docker container for wget on top of Alpine:


FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update wget
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/wget"]

and simply running ( is an internal DNS server):

docker run --dns= --rm -v $(pwd):/out:Z wget wdserver

takes around 5M, plus the docker daemon.

If this is not enough, you can even just run wget in a chroot, and
provide a different /etc/resolv.conf.

I really am not at all interested in LD_PRELOAD, docker, chroot, or any
other such a thing.  I have 15+ years invested in my current architecture,
and it works very well for me.  It absolutely cannot be easier to manage
docker instances on random platforms vs using a few cmd-line switches to

I know that this feature will not be useful for most people, but then again,
none of us can know what some user might be able to do with such a feature.
  I know that some users of curl + libcares wanted the ability to specify
certain DNS servers to get around oppressive firewalls (on systems they
could not have root privs), for instance.

I don't mind making the changes to wget.  I thought if someone was
interested in a project, then I'd be happy to work with them (and pay them,

Why not put an offer here (with an exact description of what to deliver, OS,
etc) ?

A lot of lists do not like such postings, so I was trying to be a bit discreet.

Anyway, I'll pay $500 USD for a working implementation, and $1000 if someone
can get it coded up well enough that it is accepted upstream.  If someone thinks
this is not an appropriate amount, let me know your suggestions.


 * Ability to link with libcares for all DNS lookup requests.
 * Ability to specify DNS server list for libcares.  At least IPv4.  IPv6 is
   nice but not required.
 * Ability to bind libcares to a local IP address.  Ability to also bind to 
   network interface is nice but not required.  libcares library already 
supports this,
   see 'curl' for examples of how this was done.
 * All of this configurable with cmd-line arguments.
 * Ability to specify which libcares to include and link against (with 
./configure option or similar)

 * OS:  Linux, modern Fedora.

I'll post my patches for consideration, and you will be welcome to pull it
into your tree.  If they are not acceptable, then I can maintain the fork
for as long as my customers care to use it..

Your patches are welcome, no doubt.

Just please understand our position that we try to find solutions by other
means before introducing new options.

I understand, and I don't mind the suggestions...its just that in this case,
I am pretty certain what I need and want, and some of the more generic 
suggested just do not meet my needs.


Regards, Tim

Ben Greear <gree...@candelatech.com>
Candela Technologies Inc  http://www.candelatech.com

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