I managed to get this working without hardcoding the mailsubdir. It is probably an interaction of my lack of understanding of the server behavior and the use/definition of namespaces coupled with random Mozilla lossage. Restarting Mozilla (not merely reconnecting the server) seemed to be crucial to deterministic results.

Mozilla has the following in its Server Settings...Advanced dialog:

Server Directory:  mailboxes/
Personal namespace: "#mh/","#mhinbox",""
Other users: (blank)

It was crucial to have the trailing ',""' in Peronsal namespaces for this configuration to work. Other iterations of ~/mailboxes etc didn't cut it and I got messages from Mozilla like "Mailbox ~|mailboxes|Junk not found" when ~/mailboxes/Junk exists etc. But anyway now it is happy.


Mark Crispin wrote:

On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Michael C. Greenspon wrote:

How can this configuration be specified from the client side,
e.g. from the Mozilla server settings for the IMAP server?

Many client programs have a "root prefix" or "folder collections"
setting.  For example, in Outlook you would put in "mailboxes/" as the
"root prefix", in Pine you could put in "mailboxes/[]" as your folder
collection, etc.

I don't know how things work in Mozilla.

I want to avoid hardcoding the default subdir
string in env_unix.c since each user may have a different subdir name
(personal choice) and want to avoid server-side config files (admini

Now you know why UW imapd doesn't do it... :-)

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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