On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> I'd like to know where and how this might be possible without root
> privileges? Root can of course do whatever it wants. I really doubt
> there's a way for non-root to do it in any sane operating system.

The UNIX world has a very bad history of giving assurances to software
developers that such-and-such can be relied upon, and then turning on
those developers for having the temerity to rely upon such-and-such.  The
open source portion of the UNIX world has been particularly bad in
undermining long-standing "you can count on this" assumptions.

I certainly agree that a sane operating system would not allow an
unprivileged user to sniff on a localhost session.  I would probably
consider such to be safe on my own personal system.

On the other hand, UNIX and its variants do numerous other things that I
do not consider to be the behavior of a sane operating system.  Thus, my
opinion of what constitutes the behavior of a sane operating system is not
useful in determining what will happen on UNIX.  *That* particular lesson
has been hammered home many times.

I have heard folklore to the effect that it is unsafe to assume that a
localhost session is a secure channel.  I am unable to find any sort of
standard or security document that purports otherwise and/or states that
developers can rely upon localhost being a secure channel.

The consequence of being excessively cautious is that localhost
connections use encryption unnecessarily unless the end user hacks the
code.  The consequences of misguided trust in the "concensus of experts"
are another trail of BUGTRAQ advisories, cracked systems, and years of

Please, feel free to do your own hacks to permit password authentication
in unencrypted localhost connections.  All you have to do is the following
two instructions:
   auth_pla.server = auth_plain_server;
   mail_parameters (NIL,SET_DISABLEPLAINTEXT,NIL);
in some strategic place early in the code.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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