On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Nicolas Kowalski wrote:

> Hello.
> I upgraded today my imap server (GNU/Linux) to imap-2002e. When I
> tried to install the new imapd and ipop3d binaries in /usr/local/sbin,
> the system complained with a "text file busy", because it was handling
> some IMAP connexions; fine. So I decided to stop currently running
> imapd processes to be able to install the new binaries:
> - edited /etc/inetd.conf and commented out imap/pop lines,
> - pkill -HUP inetd
> - pkill imapd   (<= here's my error)
> - installed new binaries
> - edited back /etc/inetd.conf
> - pkill -HUP inetd
> Apparently all went fine, but in fact, some of the users using
> Mozilla, Netscape, Eudora or OE found their mailboxes in the state
> corresponding to hours or days back (probably when they last started
> their IMAP client, or did the last expunge).
> My question is : how can I stop the IMAP processes on the server, and
> keep the mailboxes consistent ?

You should probably mv imapd imapd.old; then install and write a mail to
your users to make them disconnect and reconnect.

> Thanks.


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