On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Charles Dorner wrote:
When it is recieved, c-client returns the headers in calls to both mail_fetch_header and mail_fetch_body when given the section number for the embedded message. Is this supposed to happen or is there a problem in the message that I need to reformat part of it?

Do they return the same data?

Or does mail_fetch_header() return just the header and mail_fetch_body() returns the entire message?

Remember that these are not null-terminated strings; they are size-count strings.

I suspect that the answers to the above questions are "no" and "yes" respectively. You should check that, just to be sure. If that is the case, can you then guess how to get the text of the message and the first body part?

If you're still stumped, let me know and I'll carry you through the next step.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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