
I've run into a bit of difficulty getting a secure
connection established between c-client and Exchange,
and was wondering if folks on this list may have had
experience dealing with this particular problem.  

Specifically, I am finding that although Exchange
doesn't appear to support the STARTTLS capability (if
you know how to turn this on please let me know!), it
does apparently listen to port 993 for connections
that begin with a TLS negotiation, followed by IMAP. 
I suspect this is considered pretty non-standard, and
out of scope for c-client.  Nonetheless, its a problem
I need to solve.

I was hoping for suggestions on how I might go about
making this work.  My first inclination would be to
write my own code to establish the connection, using
OpenSSL to secure it, and then perhaps hand the
established socket in to c-client.  Any thoughts or
suggestions would be most appreciated.

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