Are there any plans to add RFC 3348 support to imapd?  I'm currently 
trying to improve performance in Horde IMP 4.x when accessing a 
UW-IMAP server.  IMP does 'LIST "" #shared/*' and then imapd returns a 
huge list of shared folders, even though the user doesn't have access to 
most of those folders.

C: a01 LIST "" #shared/*
S: * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/survey
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/exec
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/assembly
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/senate
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/mstu
   * LIST (\NoSelect) "/" #shared/nct
   a01 OK LIST completed

Our directory layout looks like this:

$ ls -ld /sharemail/shared/{,miles,admin}
drwxr-xr-x  497 imapshar staff 16384 Apr  7 18:30 /sharemail/shared/
drwxrws---  2 imapshar miles                 4096 Apr  7 15:07 
drwxrws---  2 imapshar admit               4096 May 28  2003 

I'm not in any of these groups so I'll never have access to any 
mailboxes within those directories.  I'd like to have imapd not bother 
returning those mailboxes at all.  From playing with Cyrus imapd, which 
does supprt RFC 3348, they seem to implement this behavior.

Looking at the imapd source, src/osdep/unix/dummy.c, around line 280, 
seems to be the place to modify this behavior.  After checking that an 
object is a directory, I can check that the user actually has 
permissions on the directory.  Am I on the right track?


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