Cantor, Scott <> writes:

> Practically speaking, the security process and the web site have been the
> main sources of friction for me, and I think the latter is definitely a
> choice. We could simply accept that it's not viable and shut it down in
> favor of a simple wiki page with the download links, etc.


> Apache's security process is definitely a source of problems for me, it
> demands too much effort and is one of the reasons I tend to look for reasons
> not to do them. I don't believe in doing the work of downstream packagers as
> a precondition for doing fixes, and their process leans too far in that
> direction.

Ok, didn't know that.

> I just believe in transparency so everybody knows the situation.

Yes, I agree we should make it clear if/when things are insecure.
And I think it is also perfectly reasonable to switch to "disabled
by default" for functionality (such as DTD) which has known security
issues but which we cannot fix (for whatever reasons).

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