comm_eng_amr wrote:
> Hi everybody
> i'm starting my first program using C#2005
> the program is simply a database storing my eBooks
> the problems i faced are so easy but as a beginner are hard
> 1- i need to create a class to initialize the ADO.NET   
>    dataset,adapter,... and how to use it in the program
> 2- i wanna build another project in the program to serialize the ebooks 
>    to and from the database ,then how to inialize these projects inside 
>    the main program
> thanx alot

#1 - ADO is overrated and ties you to a specific platform (Windows). 
Look at ODBC instead.

#2 - That's an implementation detail that is left up to you.  However, 
storing binary data in a database is, IMO, a bad idea.  You will bloat 
the database with unnecessary data making row sizes quite large, have to 
use blobs, and you won't be able to script against it.

Why do you need to implement this in C#?  Any time you start fiddling 
with databases is, IMO, the time to look at a scripting language as an 
option.  You may end up decided to go the compiled route (for 
performance reasons), but if it is quick-n-dirty, then a scripting 
language is probably a better route - plus you usually get the bonus of 
a web app. out of the deal.  Use the right tool for the job.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President
Ph: 517-803-4197

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