Use \r instead \n

       Thanks & Regards
> Mohammad Arif

From: Jalpan Randeri <>
Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 12:17:51 AM
Subject: [c-prog] (unknown)

i was working on the program that will take username and password from user...

now i wanted show * on every key press in password menu/...
thats y i use the getch() function...
my code looks like this...
here i give the whole code..

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =
#include <iostream.h>
#include<fstream. h>
#include<stdio. h>
#include<conio. h>
#include<string. h>

int main ()
{       clrscr();
cout <<endl<< "Enter your username :";
char user[10];
cout << "Enter you password: " ;
char pass[20];
int i=0;
while(ch[i]! ='\n')               ( "here is my problem occures it doesnt exit 
when i press enter key.")
ch[i]=getch( );
cout << " * " ;
ifstream OpenFile ("user.txt") ;
char user_saved[10] ;
char ch;
int i=0;
while (OpenFile.eof( )!=0)
OpenFile.get( user_saved[ i]);
i++ ;
OpenFile.close( );
ifstream OpenFile1 ("pass.txt") ;
char pass_saved[20] ;
while(OpenFile1. eof()!=0)
OpenFile1.get( pass_saved[ i]);
OpenFile1.close( );
cout<< pass<<"password enterd"<<endl;
cout<<pass_saved< <"password saved"<<endl;
int user1,pass1;
pass1= strcmp(pass, pass_saved) ;
user1= strcmp(user, user_saved) ;

cout << pass1 << "pass1"<<endl;
cout << user1 << "user1"<<endl;
if(user1==0 && pass1==0)
cout<<endl<< "login sucessful";
cout<<endl<< "username or password is invalid";

return 0;

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DoN't let anyoNe steAl yoUr dreAm.
It's yoUr dreAm, not theiRs.

with Regrads...
JalpAn RandeRi

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