*** Release of Cacti 1.1.5 ***

Special thanks to all that have helped by contributing code and 
reporting issues on GitHub! We would not be where we are today without 
the help. Let's continue to grow the Cacti community!

For additional details check out the README located on GitHub.


*** Contribute ***

Active development of Cacti is located on GitHub! Join us in making 
Cacti better, submit issues, fork and submit pull requests!


*** Cacti Change Log ***
     issue#580: Data collection warnings when using cmd.php
     issue#592: Incorrectly formatted HTML
     issue#606: Replace <path_php_binary> in data input methods
     issue#607: Allow draw_menu to specify multiple actions for the same
     issue#608: Spaces adjacent to double quotes are eliminated during
                data input method import
     issue#609: Honor the column setting in graph tree view mode
     issue#610: Change Graph Template action not available
     issue#611: Cacti Installation Wizard - Spine page incorrect on
     issue#612: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function row() on a
     issue#613: Network Automation, now requires a site or your are
                unable to save rules
     issue#615: Data Input field length too short for longer scripts
     issue#619: Export logging option in settings no longer used

*** Reporting Issues ***


*** Download Cacti ***


*** Download Spine ***


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