*** Release of Cacti 1.1.16 ***

Special thanks to all that have helped by contributing code and reporting issues on GitHub! We would not be where we are today without the help. Let's continue to grow the Cacti community!

For additional details check out the README located on GitHub.


*** Contribute ***

Active development of Cacti is located on GitHub! Join us in making Cacti better, submit issues, fork and submit pull requests!


*** Cacti Change Log ***

issue#865: Escape Data Query arguments to prevent issues with special characters issue#872: Can't add device items to graphs generated with no device and no template issue#875: When modifying Realm permissions, realms that are listed multiple times don't stay in sync issue#877: Improving resolution to issue#847 and one additional vulnerability
issue#878: Ambiguous language in purge log function
issue#879: SQL Error when adding a report item to a report
issue#880: Device drop down is limited to 20 devices and lacks a scroll bar
issue#885: Graph generated with no device and no graph template forgets device definitions
issue#886: Unable to export templates other than Device templates
issue: Address additional corner cases around get_order_string usage
issue: Data Queries sharing a Data Source can result in poller output table not empty errors
issue: Fix Sunrise theme to properly theme multiselect widgets
issue: Increase height of multiselects so that more options are visible
issue: When a graph is locked, anchor tags are still functional

*** Reporting Issues ***


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