Sorry about the long delay ... ( I hope you're still listening :) ) ...

Here is my analysis :
* Apparently you're using form login, so you must be using https I imagine.
At the current time https is not supported. However, that shouldn't be a
problem to test your login process as https is transparent in regards to
your server code (should be).
* You simply need to send a POST with the parameter name and value that you
are expecting on the server side
* Let's imagine that the submit button calls a servlet that we'll call
LoginServlet, you would test like this :

public void beginLogin(WebRequest request)
  request.addParameter("username", "anad");
  request.addParameter("password", "mohanram");

public void testLogin()
  LoginServlet servlet = new LoginServlet();
  servlet.service(request, response);
  // or better: servlet.processLogin(request)

  // At this stage, you would normally set a flag in the
  // http session specifying that the user is logged in
  // and this flag would be checked on subsequent logins

  // so the test should verify that
  assertEquals("true", session.getAttribute("isLogged"));

Now if your service() method does a forward to the index page of your site,
you could check that this is the correct page and not the error page for
example but this is not as nice as asserting the session. It is a side
effect test ... However, if you'd still like to do it, it is possible,
you'll just have to do asserts in the endLogin(WebResponse) method to verify
it is the page you're looking for. You would not be able to check the URL as
this is not returned (because a forward was done on the server side) so
you're left which checking returned items (you should use the signature for
HttpUnit integration for that - see the httpunit integration tutorial on the
cactus  web site).

Hope it helps

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anand Mohanram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: RE: Testing Login functionailty

Hi Vincent

May be I would like to frame my question a little bit differently.
Without going to the browser,how do I know whether my Login succeeded or
failed ?
Once I submit,I want to know whether the current page has been displayed


-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: Testing Login functionailty

Hi Anand,

It seems what you are trying to do is functional tests. If you have no
for unit tests (checking state on the server side) then you probably
need Cactus and you can use HttpUnit. Cactus provides a simple
with HttpUnit that you could use but will needed only if you wish to
unit tests (if you're interested, see


----- Original Message -----
From: "Anand Mohanram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:54 AM
Subject: Testing Login functionailty


I have a Login screen and I would like to supply Username and password
and check whether the resulting screen and ofcourse the contents the
screen are right. I tried httpunit but I am not able to get the
resulting screen correctly.

Should I use cactus ?
I am trying to simulate the Submit functionality.


M Anand
Project Manager - Infosys Technologies,
Ph: 91-44-4509530/40 - Ext: 80324
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