Hi Jay,

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: jeudi 5 mai 2005 03:06
> To: cactus-user@jakarta.apache.org
> Subject: testDoEndTag() fails because maven cactus:test-war cannot find
> the method
> I am doing the jsp custom taglib test using cactus under maven. What's
> wrong with this test method.
> testDoEndTag() fails because maven cactus:test-war cannot find the
> method. Here is the exact error message:
> cactus:test-war:


>     [cactus] Testcase: testDoEndTag took 2.133 sec
>     [cactus]    FAILED
>     [cactus] Method "testDoEndTag" not found
>     [cactus] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Method "testDoEndTag"
> not found
>     [cactus]    at

It seems the testDoEndTag method is missing from
com.wellsfargo.taglib.web.TestXSSTag... I'm sure you've checked it but
please check again and verify spelling, etc. Could you also verify that this
class is there in the cactified WAR generated in your target/... directory?


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