> -----Original Message-----
> systems.ru]
> Sent: mercredi 11 mai 2005 15:24
> Cc: 'Cactus Users List'
> Subject: RE: cactus and portlet integration
> Vincent,
> The most difficult part of portlet cactus testing is the portlet
> application URL, that is
> changing from deployment to deployment.
> So, the question was more about automating the task of identifying the
> correct URL
> for the tested portlet app, not implementation of the test.
> We work with WebSphere, probably it's not a general portlet issue, but
> just IBM
> portal implementation that makes our life so hard. I'm not sure about
> that, would be
> glad to have any info on that.

Sorry but I don't know anything about Portlets :-) That said if the URL is
something that is container-specific it shouldn't be an issue. We could make
it a Cactus property in the Cactus framework and the URL would be set
automatically in the Ant and Mavne integrations for example.


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