Will Cactus add classes to represent the JSF related session objects like
the FacesContext? If not, how would I place my test data into the Faces
request without mocking FacesContext?

Also, can I use Cactus to test a JSF JSP? If so , do you know of any

Vince Bloise

                  Wendy Smoak                                              
                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            
                  he.org>                                               To 
                                       Cactus Users List                   
                  10/07/2005           <cactus-user@jakarta.apache.org>    
                  05:55 PM                                              cc 
                       Please          Re: Cactus and JSF                  
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        

> Does the Cactus team have any plans to incorporate JSF testing
> capabilities
> into Cactus?

The MyFaces team is using Cactus, so you might take a look at what they're

Or maybe I don't understand the question-- what do you think needs to be
added to Cactus to enable testing JSF webapps?

Wendy Smoak

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