First post, please be kind :-).
I'm running Cactus under Maven. I'm getting the common "[cactus]
org.apache.cactus.util.ChainedRuntimeException: Failed to get the test
results at
[http://localhost:8080/MyApp-cactus/test/filterRedirector.jsp]"; error.
Reading other postings, I'm trying to solve it by getting the logging
set up properly (I'm getting the also common "[cactus] log4j:WARN Please
initialize the log4j system properly." message).
So I'm trying to get the "" and
"" files put in the right place. I can't seem
to get this to work right; the changes I put in these property files
didn't seem to fixed the logging problem (could be I'm just not putting
the files in the right place). So, I checked the generated WAR file
(MyApp.war); my properties files are in there. Strangely, when I checked
the generated cactus war file (MyApp-cactus.war) they are there in
addition to another set of "" and
"" files. If I look at "extra" set, they appear
to be a default implementation; all loggers commented out. These may be
files I created a while ago, but they no longer exist on my hard drive
(I deleted them long ago). Well not if file form anyway, they may exist
in some jar, war, ear, or other archive somewhere but I can't find them.
I deleted my ".maven" work area (with the cache and repository
directories) and let maven rebuild it.
Also strangely, I had another file that I created and later deleted that
is still appearing in my WAR files.  Many questions here, is this a
maven problem or a cactus problem? Is this documented somewhere and I
just can't find it (if so, sorry for not RTFMing well enough)? Is there
a trick I'm just not getting to getting the logging working so I can
track down my "real" problem?

By the way, thanks for all the work you guys put into this product. I
(we) really appreciate it.


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