Hi Petar,

that did not help, After doing it I am having 2 copies of the class files in
the WEB_INF/classes folder in the war file


On 6/1/07, Petar Tahchiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2007/6/1, Dheerendra Kulkarni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run the testcase from Ant,
> My Ant file is as follows
> ....
> <target name="Cactus-Test" description="Run Cactus tests"
>             <war destfile="${bin}/EWSTests.war" webxml="${src}/web.xml">
>                   <classes dir="${bin}" />
>             </war>
>             <cactifywar srcfile="${bin}/EWSTests.war" destfile=
> "${bin}/CactifiedEWSTests.war" >
>                   <lib file="C:/dev/pws/lib/cactus.jar" />
>             </cactifywar>
>             <cactus warfile="${bin}/CactifiedEWSTests.war" printsummary=
> "yes" failureproperty="tests.failed" showoutput="yes">
>                   <containerset>
>                         <tomcat4x dir="c:/tomcat" port="8000" todir=
> "c:/tomcat/reports"/>
>                   </containerset>
>                   <test name="TestCases.TestSampleServlet" outfile="
> cactus.output">
>                         <formatter type="plain" />
>                   </test>
>             </cactus>
>             <delete file="CactifiedEWSTests.war" />
>       </target>
> ....
>  I am pasting the Ant output here
> Cactus-Test:
> [war] Building war: C:\dev\EasyEWS\EWSTestAutomation\bin\EWSTests.war
> [cactifywar] Analyzing war:
> C:\dev\EasyEWS\EWSTestAutomation\bin\EWSTests.war
> [cactifywar] Could not copy the JSP redirector (Resource
> '/org/apache/cactus/server/jspRedirector.jsp' not found)
> [cactifywar] Building war:
> C:\dev\EasyEWS\EWSTestAutomation\bin\CactifiedEWSTests.war
> [cactifywar] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml which
> will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
> [cactus]
> [cactus] Running tests against Tomcat 4.1.24 @ http://localhost:8000
> [cactus]
> [cactus] Deleting 14 files from
> C:\DOCUME~1\DKULKA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\cactus\tomcat4x
> [cactus] Deleted 12 directories from
> C:\DOCUME~1\DKULKA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\cactus\tomcat4x
> [cactus] HttpConnector Opening server socket on all host IP addresses
> [cactus] Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
> [cactus] Apache Tomcat/4.1.24
> [cactus] HostConfig[localhost]: Expanding web application archive
> CactifiedEWSTests.war
> [cactus] StandardHost[localhost]: Installing web application at context
> /CactifiedEWSTests from URL

> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploying class repositories
> work directory C:\Documents and Settings\dkulkarni\Local
> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy class files
> /WEB-INF/classes to

> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy JAR
> /WEB-INF/lib/aspectjrt.jar to

> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy JAR
> /WEB-INF/lib/cactus.jar to

> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy JAR
> httpclient.jar to

> httpclient.jar
> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy JAR
> logging.jar to

> logging.jar
> [cactus] WebappLoader[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Deploy JAR
> to

> [cactus] StandardManager[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Seeding random number
> generator class java.security.SecureRandom
> [cactus] StandardManager[/CactifiedEWSTests]: Seeding of random number
> generator has been completed
> [cactus] StandardWrapper[/CactifiedEWSTests:default]: Loading container
> servlet default
> [cactus] StandardWrapper[/CactifiedEWSTests:invoker]: Loading container
> servlet invoker
> [cactus] HttpConnector[8000] Starting background thread
> [cactus] Running TestCases.TestSampleServlet
> [cactus] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 0 sec
> [cactus] Test TestCases.TestSampleServlet FAILED
> [cactus] Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone
> [cactus] HttpConnector[8000] Stopping background thread
> [cactus] StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at context
> /CactifiedEWSTests
> And the c:/tomcat/reports/ cactus.output.txt has the following
> Testsuite: TestCases.TestSampleServlet
> Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 0 sec
>  Caused an ERROR
> TestCases.TestSampleServlet
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestCases.TestSampleServlet
>  at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:199)
>  at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>  at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:187)
>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)
>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)
>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:302)
>  at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>  at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:141)
>  at org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask.executeInContainer(
> CactusTask.java:458)
>  at org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask.execute(CactusTask.java
> :208)
> Could some one help me finding out what the problem copuld be
> regards
> Dheerendra

Hi Dheerenda,

I would guess that your war file wasn't cactified correctly.
Just make sure the content of your war is correct, and if it isn't
you can try and include the test-classes with:
<classes dir="${build.dir}/classes/test" includes="**/*.class"/>
as in


Hope that helps.

Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.

Bulgarian medics in Libya are innocent!

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