On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 07:14:08AM -0500, Richard Dice wrote:
> > 
> > 1.  Example 1: No authentication required
> This actually requires a whole new technology, not just an example app.
>  But it's high on the priority list.  Unfortunately, I don't think
> there's anyone whose "day job" depends on CAF, so the amount of CAF
> hacking is at a lower level as a result.

I may take a stab at this.  Is there a svn (or other) repository?

> > 2.  Example 2: Authentication required but the username and password are
> >                pre-filled on the login page.
> Don't browsers do that?  I've been thinking of adding the HTML text "try
> username 'rdice' password 'foobar' to log in" to the login pages, but
> haven't yet.

Browsers need to be told the password.  Putting the info on the login
page works too; I just thought that prefilling the fields would save me
some typing.  You might want to go with the standard admin:admin or
guest:guest  username:password combo.

Rick Delaney
caf mailing list

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