On 4/28/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>     I have a tricky problem about cake and jpgraph.I copy
> the jpgraph libs to a subdir of my cake app.But everytime I want to
> include some
> of the jpgraph lib files in my cotrollers so that I can output some
> images, my cake framework crashes, and all I can see is a whole white
> page in the IE.And if a remove the include statements in the
> controllers , then I my cake framework goes well ,but my image can not
> be created.

I have jpgraph working in my project. Here's what I did:

1. Put the jpgraph folder in the 'vendors' folder.

2. At the top of the view in which I used jpgraph, I put these two lines:

vendor( 'jpgraph/jpgraph' );
vendor( 'jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt' );

(I was using the Gantt graph feature, you'd probably need to use
something else.)

As long as your controllers pass in the correct data, it should all
work just fine.

The "all white page" you got was most likely an error being generated
in jpgraph, not in cake.

Good luck!


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