Exelent! Thanks for the helpfull tip! I am really impresed by the
level of help  and support I have received from the Cake comunnity.

Another question It might be a litle off topic.
If in a view I have.
<h1>First Deposit</h1>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit/inicial');?></TD>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit/final');?></TD>
<h2>Second Deposit</h2>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit2/inicial');?></TD>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit2/final');?></TD>
<h3>Third Deposit<h3>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit3/inicial');?></TD>
<TD><? echo $html->input('Deposit3/final');?></TD>
.. And I could have just one or more in one form depending of the day
of detransaction.

I want to make a dinamic form using DOM. I want to send de inputs for 
the "Deposit" Model as one array not 3 or 4 or whathever.
In my controller I added this code.

// This are the emited documents with document_id 1
                        $deposit = $this->params['data']['Deposit'];
                        // We remove it from the 'data' array. "Tickets"
                        unset ($this->params['data']['Deposit']);
                        //This are the ones with document_id 2 "Facturas"
                        $deposit2 = $this->params['data']['Deposit2'];
                        unset ($this->params['data']['Deposit2']);
                       //This are the ones with document_id 3 "Facturas 2"
                        $deposit3 = $this->params['data']['Deposit3'];
                        unset ($this->params['data']['Deposit3']);
$this->Deposit->save (array ('Deposit' => $deposit));
$this->Deposit->save (array ('Deposit' => $deposit2));
$this->Deposit->save (array ('Deposit' => $deposit3));

Is there a way to send it all as one array not 3 or 4?
Thanks for your help

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