The page_id in pages table matches with campaign_page_id in the
campaign table.


campaign: campaign_id INT, campaign_page_id INT
pages: page_id INT, page_url VARCHAR



class Campaign extends AppModel
   var $name = 'Campaign';

   var $useTable = 'campaign';
   var $primaryKey = 'campaign_id';

   var $belongsTo = array('Page' =>
                        array('className'    => 'Page',
                              'conditions'   => '',
                              'order'        => '',
                              'foreignKey'   => 'page_id'


class Page extends AppModel
   var $name = 'Page'; # equals name of the field "vendor" in table
                         # by convention first column in all tables,
must be "id".
   var $useTable = 'pages';
   var $primaryKey = 'page_id';

   var $hasMany = array('Campaign' =>
                        array('className'    => 'Campaign',
                              'conditions'   => '',
                              'order'        => '',
                              'foreignKey'   => 'campaign_page_id',


class PagesController extends AppController
  var $name = 'Pages';

  function display()
      $this->set('data', $this->Page->findAll());

here is the view:

 foreach ($data as $output): ?>
       <?php echo $output['Page']['page_id']?>
       <?php echo $output['Page']['page_url']?>
       <?php echo $output['Campaign']['campaign_page_id']?>

<?php endforeach; ?>

page_id and page_url show up fine, but campaign_page_id does not.  I
get this error:

Undefined index: campaign_page_id

I just started in CakePHP, so I don't know if my error is in the
models, controller, or view.  Please help.

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