On 9/13/06, John Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The other way to do it would be to create a "cronjobs_controller.php" that
> would have table called cronjobs full of tasks that needed to be executed
> and their corresponding schedules.  You could then setup a page to access in
> your controller that would check for tasks to execute.  You can then setup
> an actual cron job to access that part of the controller via a standard url
> using wget or possibly curl.  That way you know that you are checking for
> tasks to run on a regular schedule and not just on page requests.

I don't see the benefit of the extra roundtrip via the webserver?

Isn't it more clear to have a cronjob execute a script directly
instead of redirecting it through the webserver and an extra
controller? Moreover, your ISP could impose limits on maximum
execution time. Batch processing may very well take longer than the

  Martin Schapendonk, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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