Hi to all bakers :-)

I would like to please someone more experienced to help me with
following problem. It seems that I am total idiot, but I can not figure
out how routing, and linking inside cake project works.

What I want to achieve :

1. www.example.com/  <--INDEX.THTML (Main page, ProjectsController.php,
action index())

2. inside of INDEX.THTML I use element LOGOUT.THTML which points (link)
   LOGIN.THML ( UsersController.php, action logout() - logout() action
here has no view in views/users/ )

3. in routes.php I change "/" to point to Projects controller because I
do not want default home.thtml as webroot, instead I want INDEX.thtml
as webroot (www.example.com/)

But when I click on link to logout, it generates error, that I am
missing controller "CONTROLLER", what does this mean ? I thought that
CAKE logic points automatically to right model/controller/action when
link would be eg. link("Logout","users/logout"). That it automatically
points app to views/users/ selects UsersController from app/controllers
and run correct logout() action ??

Q1: Is it possible to have all app views in one place (DIR) instead of
spreading it across numerous dirs ? (eg. all in pages dir ?)
Q2:Is it possible to have "old url style" links ? I mean I want user to
see index.php in address bar if he reaches my page, and I want him to
see projects.php if he reaches page with projects(add/view/list/edit -
all under "projects.php in address bar), and I mean that user will see
www.example.com/login.php when he logs in instead of  seeing
www.example.com/users/login ?

I am certainly total idiot, I know that I am missing something
important in CakePHP concept. But this routing concept is something
hard to figure out for me. So please if You have some time, may you
help with this ? I google for indepth routing tutorial, but I found
nothing. And in the manual is only short paragraph for it.

Much thanks and sorry for stupid question.
Have a nice day :-) and bake some tastefull cake :-)

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