I get this when going to <mysite>/acm

Notice: Undefined property: AcmController::$Session in
on line 23

Fatal error: Call to a member function write() on a non-object in
on line 23

I tried both adding var $components = 'Session'; to AcmAppController
and changing var $components  to array('Acl','Session'); in
AcmController, to no avail :'(

As a sidenote, i think the installation manual should explain a little
more between step 2 and 3
in step 1 and 2 you put the files in the right dir and change a file a
bit, in step 3 you are in a menu.  tell the people  where they can
access the plugin, where they see the menu etc ;-)

  I'm using cake 1.1.8 btw

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