There are several messages floating around without great answers about
Smarty integration and I wanted to let other know about some

A few days back I broke away from development on a homegrown mvc
framework and shifted to cake (decision was hard but the transition has
been smooth).

I know all the arguments against using Smarty, no need to reiterate.  I
think it is arguable that with a properly configured Smarty setup (with
caching) you can rival/beat straight thtml calls.
But regardless, there are people that will sacrifice a bit of
performance to be able to use Smarty.

I've updated phpnut's SmartyView example to include:
  - thtml fallback for views (increases the filesize as it overrides
_getViewFileName -- adding 4 lines) -- I talked to phpnut about
allowing app/views thtml fallback in core (already does for libs/views)
but he refused (somewhat understandably, though I think it can be
accomplished cleanly).
- I also added the ability to place smarty plugins in
views/smarty_plugins instead of w/smarty in /vendor.
- Additionally I coded brief examples of providing smarty function
wrapping of helper class methods to allow 'native' smarty calls.

This gets around the 'array(' issue in smarty templates, allowing you
to do something like this:
{html_input fieldName=User/username class="test" size=30}
<?php echo $html->input('User/username',
array('class'=>'test','size'=30); ?>
(or even uglier previous smarty method)

Other than expanding the wrappers I have a short todo that will
increase functionality/usability but I think it's at an acceptable
state now.

No need for the 'but it's another layer!!!111' comments, we've been
through them already =)

I personally don't mind much how the vanilla template styles look in
most cases but this helped soften the fall from moving away from my
prior work.

See:  (SmartyView
+ SmartyHelpers) (Straight
Also, placed a bit of doc here:  (made a small edit, went
back to moderation).


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