If you want to do this with a behavior then you should look at the
beforeDelete callback, you can update your field within this callback and
then return false to automatically abort the delete (as per the book).


You could also just write something like this in your AppModel to make it
apply to all models, my applications use $this->hasField('deleted') to see
if soft delete is supported with the model.

On 26 July 2014 09:22, Sam Clauw <i...@bellewaerdefun.be> wrote:

> I'll try to write my very first behavior that does a soft delete instead
> of a hard delete. I've expanded my model with
> public $actsAs = array('SoftDelete');
> and I've created the behavior "SoftDeleteBehavior.php" in
> App/Model/Behavior:
>> <?php
>> App::uses('ModelBehavior', 'Model');
>> class SoftDeleteBehavior extends ModelBehavior
>> {
>>     function setup(Model $Model, $settings = array())
>>     {
>>     }
>>     function delete(Model $Model, $id = null)
>>     {
>>         $Model->id = $id;
>>         if ($Model->saveField('deleted', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
>>             return true;
>>         }
>>         return false;
>>     }
>> }
> However, when I try to delete something, the delete() method from my
> behavior doesn't overwrite the normal one. What could cause this issue?
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Kind Regards
 Stephen Speakman

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