"beetlecube" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you keep this general purpose common.js file inside you app/js
> directory, but you also use *elsewhere*, then pretty soon they become
> un-Synchronized, like if you forget to make a copy of one to the other
> location after making changes to only one of them.
> I think it's a common challenge some of us face -- or not.

Symbolic links help here. But do balance having them perfectly in sync
with the problem of confusing yourself by accidently breaking a site that
you haven't touched in a little while.

If you can think of a useful way in which a "CSS vendors" could be
included globally in Cake, please submit an enhancement ticket - it'll
reach the people that matter a lot easier.

Kind regards,

 Chris Lamb, Cambridgeshire, UK                          GPG: 0x634F9A20

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