On Dec 1, 2007 4:54 PM, wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've got a simple image upload form in which the user can come back
> and update the image, as well as name, description etc.
> The issue I'm having is that when they come back to only update the
> description, I don't want the original image to be overridden.
> So I first thought that I could just unset the array item.  For
> example:
> if (!$this->data['Home']['image']['name']) {
>     unset($this->data['Home']['image']);
> }
> However, the Cake save() function still overrwrites the old image in
> the DB.
> How do you all accomplish this in your forms?  Is there a CakePHP
> syntax to tell it to not update a field?

Try putting the code that unsets that element in the array in a
beforeSave() method in the model.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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