> The Cake documentation is rather limited, IMHO. In any case, if you'd paid
> more attention to what I was asking you'd immediately understand why these
> replies of yours are off-base.

I have been paying attention and still couldn't figure out what you
are trying to do.  But that's probably because I would never try to do
it the way you've been trying.  Which makes me dumb I guess.

> I'm guessing you haven't read my posts here very carefully at all. To
> review: I was calling the view() method from index(). (Yeah, that's pretty
> magical, I know, but these are crazy times we live in.) My question was how
> to get the controller to use the view for the action I was telling it to use
> instead. Perhaps you've been too busy thinking up these zingers to actually
> pay attention to what it was I was asking.

I don't really waste too much time thinking up zingers.  Comes pretty

> No, that's not at all what I was trying to do. I was, however, trying to use
> set() for something it wasn't meant for.

Well, I could've told you that as well.  At least you figured out the
problem in a later post.  And that's what really counts.

> Again, please pay more attention to the questions being asked before going
> off half-cocked. It makes you look like a dick, you know.


I never worry about looking like a dick.

To sum up:

1) the code you submitted did not make sense to me, which means I am dumb
2) my responses are not always meant to be helpfull, sometimes they
are pointing out things that people should know already
3) saying that the CakePHP documentation is lacking is a slap in the
face to all the people who have contributed things on their blogs and
this mailing list, and as someone who has done quite a bit of posting
to my blog about CakePHP I'm one of those people.  If you can't use a
search engine, I don't know what to say
4) I now understand that the view() function was not a meant to be an
action but a supporting function
5) I'm glad it was something as simple as remembering that the
publish_date variable was being passed in via routes
6) I never worry about being a dick

Glad it was a simple solution to a problem I was too dumb to understand.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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