Normally I don't post questions to the list, just snarky responses.  I
will expect no less in return. :)

I'm working on an admin area for my simulation baseball league site.
I have a Game model that contains games.  Now, I've used the views
created by bake and need to do some funky pagination with them.

Normally games are grouped by series.  A typical game record is


So a 'series' would be all the records that have the same week +
home_team + away_team + home_score + away_score

What I *want* to do is display series and then be able to paginate
through them.  Not being a big pagination guy, I'd appreciate being
pointed in the right direction.

Is it possible that I need a Series model to make this happen?

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."

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