Yeah, I got that the reason is linguistic in its origin. It is great
when trying to search a mass of text. But when you try to do a
matching search for an exact string it does complicate things a lot
when you still think that = really means exactly equal.

Doing WHERE username = 'myname' I (as a programmer) never ever want to
match anything else but exactly that.
Doing WHERE article LIKE '%cake%' I would not at all be this critical
or surprised since it is a different kind of searching in my world.

Also, I was under the mistaken impression that COLLATE was ONLY
related to how to sort these special characters. This I have not
problem with either btw. Previously, I had no idea that collation also
affected simple matching searches.

The equal sign has a special place in my heart. :)
I guess the binary collation will be my preference for general data.

Do you have any advice for a web-application with multiple languages?
You can only take advantage of the linguistic advantages as long as
the language in the data and the collation match. How would cater for,
say, a blog in both german and french? Set the database defaults to
general or binary and then add COLLATE utf8_french_ci to the queries?


On Jun 13, 4:28 pm, "Jonathan Snook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A am a bit shocked that it is a "feature" when å is the same as a in
> > MySQL. That sounds just plain wrong to me. If it had been so for
> > utf8_some_special_ci, fine, but not for general (the default default)
> > collations. To me that would be like PHP saying (1 == 1.2) is true
> > because it is "close enough". :) Very strange but I guess they must
> > have some very good reason for it.
> It's not really the same thing and yes, there's a very good reason.
> Most languages, diacritics are meant to alter the pronunciation of a
> letter. In other words, e, é and è are the same "letter" but have
> different pronunciations because of the accent marks. Therefore, when
> a French person does a search for a word, they might simply type in
> "ecole" but they fully expect école to show up. Another example, I
> live in a city known as Orléans but has been known as Orleans (note
> the lack of accent) for a number of years (they only recently added
> the accent back in where it belongs). However, a search for Orleans
> should bring up either result. Also, collations determine how content
> is ordered when results are returned. Take Ecole A, ecole B, École C
> and école D. How should that be ordered? The _ci indicates
> case-insensitive so we get the order we expect (as I've listed). It'd
> be pretty confusing to do a search and get ecole B, Ecole A, [the rest
> of the latin character results], école D, École C.
> I hope that explains it a little better.
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