btw: if you're doing what I think you're doing, I'd love to see the
final result. To get login working for a PHPBB integration, I ended up
just using curl to do a post request and then pass the session cookies
onto the end user. A little hackish but it worked.

On 7/10/08, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi all
>  I have a vendor class I've put in \root\vendors\phpbb.php
>  Which contains the class:
>  class PHPBB_Login {
>  }
>  And am referencing it in my code with the following:
>  App::import("Vendor", "PHPBB_Login", array("file"=>"phpbb.php"));
>  (which I think is right)
>  But when I try an instance the class with:
>  $phpBB = new PHPBB_Login();
>  I get the following error:
>  Fatal error: Class 'PHPBB_Login' not found in C:\htdocs\projects
>  \archimbolo\app\controllers\users_controller.php on line 41
>  CakePHP isn't finding the vendor file, it also doesn't find it if I
>  put it in app\vendors either.
>  Where do I put the file? Or, what does App::Import need to look like
>  for it to be able to find the vendor file?
>  Thanks in advance.
>  >

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