Sebastian Moeller <> writes:

> Hi All,
>> On Nov 28, 2017, at 23:37, Dave Taht <> wrote:
>> A flag day here is feasible. I will fiddle along the lines you describe.
>> As for other flag days...
>> I'm toying with the idea of fixing xstats in a separate branch. I really
>> hate the idea of breaking backward compatability here, but I do suspect
>> it will be a barrier to upstreaming, and it is, quite inefficient.
>       So if we go and change the statistics could we rename max_len to
> maxpacket so that fq_codel and cake report the same information under the same
> name. Sure the qdisc statistics are not terribly well coordinated naming-wise,
> but maybe cake could show to be a good citizen here?

The justification for that change was that it's 7 characters.

I really do want to open up the discussion of other stuff worth
breaking along the way.

> Best Regards
>> Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <> writes:
>>>> On 28 Nov 2017, at 18:48, Dave Taht <> wrote:
>>>> It sounds like your git-foo is stronger than ours! I'm not even trying
>>>> to get head to work, tho my intent would be to promote cobalt to it.
>>> git checkout master
>>> git pull   (does the equivalent of git fetch origin; git merge 
>>> origin/master)
>>> git merge cobalt   (this will produce a minor merge conflict in sch_cake.c)
>>> fix merge conflict
>>> git add sch_cake.c
>>> git commit   (complete the merge - and create a merge commit in process)
>>> git diff cobalt - should return nothing…content of master & cobalt are the 
>>> same.
>>> git push  (send this to github assuming above is true!)
>>> If it were me I’d now restart the cobalt ‘feature’ branch from this new 
>>> ‘master’ point.
>>> git checkout cobalt
>>> git reset —hard master  (resets ‘cobalts’ commit pointer and the current 
>>> tree on disc to where master is)
>>> git push -f   (send that to github -f means force)
>>> You’ve just created a ‘new’ history for the ‘cobalt’ feature branch, so all
>>> ‘clients’ of that branch will see a ‘forced update’ message….you’ve broken 
>>> the
>>> linear git history for that branch, so they’d have to do something like ‘git
>>> checkout cobalt; git reset —hard origin/cobalt’
>>> I used to be terrified of ‘git reset’ until I read 
>>> - at that point I realised 
>>> all it (and  the whole of git) is about moving pointers contained in branch 
>>> names.
>>> Of course I’d advise checking things carefully before doing force 
>>> pushes….but then I’d imagine many on this list have forks and hence clones 
>>> of the git repo in various places so it’s all recoverable.
>>>> I didn't know about the cherry-pick option til now, either. I was doing
>>>> a git format-patch thenewcommit, then a git am on my other branch.
>>> I’ve just sped up your workflow then :-)
>>>> For example, with this config, git fetch --all doesn't do anything.
>>> git fetch —all goes and gets all the branches/commits etc from all 
>>> configured
>>> remotes.  You’ve only 1 remote (origin…which points at github) and it’s 
>>> likely
>>> that since it’s not very active that you’ve all the commits etc already in 
>>> your
>>> local git database.
>>> I have several remotes e.g.
>>> [remote "origin"]
>>>        url =
>>>        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>> [remote "upstream"]
>>>        url =
>>>        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
>>> [remote "teg"]
>>>        url =
>>>        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/teg/*
>>> [remote "rmounce"]
>>>        url =
>>>        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/rmounce/*
>>> so my ‘git fetch —all’ will go and look in all those places for things I’m
>>> missing.  Origin is my own github base cake repo (a clone/fork of yours),
>>> ‘upstream’ is a pointer directly to your github repo, ‘teg’ & ‘rmounce’ are
>>> pointers to their forks/clones.
>>> So to bring my master up to date with yours:
>>> git checkout master
>>> git fetch —all
>>> git merge upstream/master. (which should do a ‘fast-forward’ to where you 
>>> are since I intentionally don’t do any of my own work in master)
>>> git push (update my own fork with all the latest stuff)
>>> My own stuff (not that there is any anymore ‘cos it’s all in cobalt) would 
>>> then be rebased on top of the stable (but moving) master e.g:
>>> git checkout worldpeace (my WIP mega solution branch)
>>> edit edit edit, commit commit commit
>>> git rebase master. - replay all of my stuff on top of the updated master
>>> edit - fixup any conflicts
>>> git push -f  (force update my worldpeace branch on github)
>>> I like git, but I’m by no means a guru on it….and it took me about 2 years 
>>> to go from ‘I hate it’ to ‘ahhh I get it - sort of’.  The git reset article 
>>> helped.  Also having ‘git prompt’ enabled was a godsend.
>>>> [core]
>>>>       repositoryformatversion = 0
>>>>       filemode = true
>>>>       bare = false
>>>>       logallrefupdates = true
>>>> [remote "origin"]
>>>>       url =
>>>>       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>>>> [branch "master"]
>>>>       remote = origin
>>>>       merge = refs/heads/master
>>>> [branch "for_upstream_4.16"]
>>>>       remote = origin
>>>>       merge = refs/heads/for_upstream_4.16
>>>> [branch "cobalt"]
>>>>       remote = origin
>>>>       merge = refs/heads/cobalt
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