Jonathan Morton <> writes:

>>> I certainly am thankful for your work, and believe you deserve $CAKE
>>> and $BEVERAGE, I am also leaf to believe 'the cake is a lie'
>>> ;)
>> Haha, yes, of course I am aware that the cake really is a lie. Which
>> makes us in league with GLADOS, I suppose, since we're promising
>> everyone CAKE ;)
> In lieu of sending a home-baked cake to Denmark, I have obtained an
> allegedly Danish apple cake from the local supermarket. Though with
> the inherent ambiguity of the English language, it's unclear whether
> it is the cake itself that's supposed to be Danish, or the apples used
> to make it. (According to the ingredients list, only 2% of the cake is
> actually apples.)

Haha, enjoy. Though I will take no responsibility for the quality of
"Danish" cuisine sold at your local supermarket ;)

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