On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 11:55 PM, Pete Heist <p...@heistp.net> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2018, at 10:17 PM, Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I long ago ran out of motivation and money to continue working on
> bufferbloat. It's fixed enough,
> for those that care. It's on enough devices (more every day) now to
> give those that succeed some market advantage.
> Any thoughts on worthy work beyond bloat?

I gave into despair when the shuttleworth grant didn't come through
last year. I'm glad y'all keep slogging on.

I started at this as a third world problem. Living in the first world
is thus far proving too expensive.
Unless I get my act together on $dayjob soon even moving back to
Nicaragua will be impossible. (and Nica is currently very dicy

I'm still primarily motivated by fixing the internet outside the usa.
My daydream, once I had
enough cash in the bank or some (say, 50k) maintenence level of
income,  was to sail
from pacific island to pacific island, updating uplinks along the way,
finishing up writing a few papers,
contemplating some other currently insoluable networking problems -
like routing.

These days... I don't know. I'm at a cusp. If I keep failing at dayjob
for another month I'll try to find something
outside this field entirely. Last year, being dead broke, I did
construction for a while. It was good for me.

> Heaving cake over the transom is the "last" thing. And after 18
> versions in the last round, toke's fried, I'm fried, everybody's
> fried. I'm very happy it started cracking 40gbits, stumped at the bug
> stopping us.
> I wish I could even reproduce that, then I’d at least take a caveman
> approach to solving it.
> I *am* going to washington DC week after next for the lanman2018
> presentation of cake, and perhaps I'll find a way to raise some hell
> with the FCC, congress, or the FTC (suggestions wanted), but...
> Please do.

The only idea I have at the moment is to stand outside the ftc's offices in
a zoot suit with guitar and empty violin case.

> I feel we need a re-decentralization of the Internet’s infrastructure and
> services, and the FCC’s actions are not helping. I’m not sure how to get
> that across when the only language spoken is money.

Obama's FTC seemed like a better place than the FCC for many issues.


Dave Täht
CEO, TekLibre, LLC
Tel: 1-669-226-2619
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