The other request is for suggestions on how to teach a hey.  (I am a little bit 

I suggest teaching via analogy or via demonstration rather than via
description. Experienced dancers are your greatest ally in the
demonstration. The essential teaching piece is: everyone will end up
where they started (presuming a full hey).

Demonstration: Pick a set of experienced dancers in the middle (not
the top) of the hall and have everyone else hunker down. Ask folks to
watch the person in their position and ask them to walk the hey. Thank
them and have everybody try it.

Analogy: Picture yourself on a slolom ski run. Each other person in
the hey is a gate. Pass each in turn, left-right-left or
right-left-right. Experienced dancers can point to the shoulder you
should be passing by. Mention that when you cross, you have plenty of
time to make a loop before reentering the hey.

(Note to you for picking a dance: Heys that end with a partner balance
& swing have a definite "goal" and are easier for many than heys
ending with another move, particularly a progression to the next set.)

TRUST: If the crowd has more than 70% experienced dancers, the danger
is in overteaching. Shoot for one demo, one practice hey. If you walk
through dance twice, on second time just let them walk it without
additional teaching unless there's a set that's "completely" broken. A
"little" confusion is OK. Remind beginner dancers that they are in
good hands, they'll have fun as they learn, and if they don't get it
perfect the first time that's fine because the goal is fun.

Good luck! And once the music starts, don't forget to breath. And have fun.

Jerome Grisanti

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