Hi Rich,

  Here's the second dance "Naked in California" by Nils Fredland.  The name of 
the dance goes something like this:

  The dance was called "the No Name Dance" for short time.  I ran into Nils 
somewhere (can't remember which State) and told him he needed to get a name for 
that dance because it was getting picked up quickly and being called by callers 
like Susan Petrick, (who travels a lot) etc.  Around that same time, Nils had 
just called at the very popular Dance Awakening contra dance weekend in 
California, which happens to be held at Harbin Hot Springs, where in between 
lots of dancing, there is lots of hot tub soaking..... (clothing optional), 
hence the name of the dance.... 

  It's a great dance with two neighbor swings with the same N


  Karen Fontana

  Naked in California  (previously No Name Dance)              
  Duple Improper Contra by Nils Fredland, NH
                  Two N Swg (same N)

  A1:  (8) LL Fwd & Bck
         (8) N Swg

  A2:  (4) Ladies Al R 1/2x across to P
          (4) P Al L 3/4x to Shadow
               Shadow = (the first person you would Al Rt w/ facing up & Dwn)
         (8) Shadow Al R 1.5x to long wavy lines up & down
              Gents face IN; Ladies face OUT

  B1:  (4) Long Wavy Lines Bal Rt, Left
         (4)  Slide or twirl Rt, (ROM) into P’s arms  
         (8) P Swg

  B2:  (6) Cir L 3/4x
         (10) N Swg (same N as Swg in A1)

Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net> wrote:
  I danced a dance tonight that started with allemande N by right 1.5, w/next
balance and swat the flea, pull by back to original N for a swing. It had
Flea in the name and I think Bob Isaacs may have written it. Does anyone
have the correct name, author, moves?
These may be the moves:
A1: N Alle R 1.5, next N balance L and swat the flea.
A2: PB this N and swing original N
B1: Circle L 3/4, swing P
B2: Ladies chain, star L to progress

The other was a dance called Naked in California. Need same info.

Thanks, Rich

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  Karen Fontana 


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