Thank you for all the responses! I'm excited to try the Rick Mohr 4f4. And I 
think I understand the Double Becket formation and the power turn well! I love 
the power turn; it's that butterfly whirl feeling I've been looking for, in a 
different format.

So I'm looking at possibly calling K&E for a contra crowd- there are no EC 
dances in our area so there would be nowhere to carry over the knowledge. Would 
it be a crime against nature to teach N gypsy, N lt sh gypsy in place of the 
split and cast around to place? It seems like it would keep the dancers a bit 
more active and use their existing vocabulary- and I wouldn't spend time 
teaching a move we won't be using again any time soon. I'm sure there are a 
variety of opinions on this!


I do still have questions about the way the progression works in B2. I can't 
seem to figure it out without adding some sliding, turning alone, twirling, or 
passing through. Here's the dance again and the progression Lark notated for me:

K&E by Pat Shaw- formation Double Becket
1's are in the middle and progress down, 2's are on the ends and progress up

A1: 1's split the 2's, cast back to place, end facing the other 1's(8)
N gypsy (8)
1's only- Right hand star, back to your 2's (8)

A2: 2's split the 1's and cast back to place (8)
N l sh gypsy (8)
Same four (1's w/ 2's): Left hand star (8) (L start the chain as they pass each 
other, 3/4 of the way through the star)

B1: 1's only- Ladies chain with power turn - face out (8)
Ones with the twos: Ladies chain (8)

B2: Same four: Circle left 3/4 (8)
1's Circle left 3/4 and move down a little while 2's Swing
and move up (8)

Lark wrote:


Okay, that's gotta have been even more confusing than you're used to.  Try
the "diagram" version of the Progression 

(Please look at this in Courier or
another fixed-width font):

Dance Turn 1:
2M   1L     3M   4L
2L   1M     3L   4M

6M   5L     7M   8L
6L   5M     7L   8M

Dance Turn 2:
  2L 2M       4L 4M (Out)

6M   1L     3M   8L
6L   1M     3L   8M

  5M 5L       7M 7L (Out)

Dance Turn 3:
6M   2L     4M   8L
6L   2M     4L   8M

5M   1L     3M   7L
5L   1M     3L   7M


 Don't worry, the circles will get you back with your partner.

The Circle Ls are both 3/4--i.e. until the "insides" are back on the inside
of the set and can whirl around to take Circle L hands-4 with their

<end quote>

At the end of B1, as a #1 lady, I've got a #1 gent in my right hand and a #2 on 
my left. If I circle 1/2 way, then let go of the #2 on my left hand and ooze to 
my left, I can get into a circle L with my partner on my left and the other 
1's. After the second circle L 3/4, we're facing 1's still- so we could pass 
through (which would not be the progression shown in the diagram, since 1's are 
swapping sides, but would seem to work fine) OR we would california twirl to 
change direction and progress as shown.


If we (1's and 2's) circle L a complete 3/4, I end up as a #1 back to back with 
my partner. If all then turn alone, my partner will be on the wrong side of me, 
so after the second circle L 3/4, we will need to twirl (would that be a star 
through or?) to swap places and directions.   


We circle a complete 3/4, 1's ending up back to back with P, and 1's twirl to 
swap (would that be a star through or?) which would put partners on the correct 
sides of each other- 1's circle left 3/4, we would need to pass through to 
follow the progression shown in the diagram, or california twirl to progress on 
the opposite side.

I'm sure there may be another option on the progression that I'm missing, and 
maybe one that is CORRECT. I know there has to be something missing, since 1's 
need to end up facing 2's, not 1's.

How have you danced it? And is the progression only within each line, or do the 
ones cross over each time through?

Thanks again!
-Alison Murphy

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