Callers' Workshop -- Beyond the basics
An intensive three-day workshop with Lisa Greenleaf
May 21-23 near Durham, NC

In this three day workshop, intermediate callers will have a chance to further develop as a caller and dance leader. The workshop will include discussion of such things as the language of teaching, time to practice calling with feedback from Lisa and the other workshop participants, and an evening dance on Saturday night with participants doing the calling. This weekend will also be an opportunity for callers who are just getting established to network with other callers and establish ties in the community.

I've attached the flyer and registration information. Please pass this on to others who you think might be interested. This is being sent out to a number of mailing lists, so I apologize to folks who receive it multiple times.

Attachment: 2010 Workshop with Lisa Greenleaf.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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