Bree --

Have "Old Bob's". Found a youtube of Travels but if you have it written down I'd just as soon not have to transcribe it. Couldn't find Hi Voltage Gypsy.
Would like to take you up on your offer to provide those two.


-- Alan

On 4/3/2013 6:00 AM, Bree Kalb wrote:
Dances that come to mind quickly are

Travels with Rick and Kim (chase ends with ptr swg)  Shari Miller Johnson
Old Bob's Mixer (one of the best mixers ever written, in my opinion)  Bob
Hi Voltage Gypsy  John Combs

I'd be glad to provide the moves if you can't find them on the web.

Bree Kalb
Carrboro, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Winston
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 6:18 AM
To: Caller's discussion list
Subject: [Callers] Suggestions for particularly flirty contra dances?

I'm supposed to do an hour of flirty contra dances at Queer Contra Dance
Camp next weekend.

Of course they all are, to some degree, but I wonder what comes to mind
for you when you think of a flirtatious contra.  (And what would be the
characteristics of a flirty dance for you.  As someone with long
experience in English dance I think there can be exciting flirtatious
connection without a lot of touching.)

I'll just get Flirtation Reel out of the way right now.
I'll obviously have something with a Mad Robin in it.
I'm thinking about Ramsey Chase.

What are your thoughts?

-- Alan

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