Dear All,

The event of any dance is an opportunity to investigate options for the art of 
I use the work “art” so that you, gentle reader, may take time to ponder the 
roll of each aspect of “event”.
As the one most are relying upon for guidance ("the next dance is…”, “the next 
move is . . .”) the dance leader, the “caller”, is in a unique place to treat 
himself or herself to the larger ramifications of the programing.

If “art form” is a real consideration for deciding how to lead the experience 
of an evening dance, perhaps the larger considerations of the art world may 
come into play here.
What does that mean? I’m suggesting that it is art. What does art do? All art 
shares only one single consideration: a statement is made which is commonly 
called the “artist’s statement”.
We see this in visual art, in theater, in music, in poetry and occasionally 
such a broad dynamic breaths new life into other human endeavors - such as 
presenting an event of social dance with live music.

When deciding to “step into the deep end of the pool” and accept traditional 
dance as “art form” each element takes on new “weight”. Programing is one 
So, what are the dancers’ expectations? How can we create a “heightened” 
experience? What sort of presentation made by one is available to all present 
and may be “seen” by another within a new light and “borrowed” (as is the case 
in all art forms - artists are really grand “borrowers”), morphed in a creative 
moment and reused later BECAUSE the outcome is understood to create a response! 
It is this “response” that drives the action of the artist. 

To address the earlier question, dancers expect “community” to simply happen on 
some level. They expect an “aesthetic” experience, on some level. They expect 
the midnight hour, the actual moment of the stroke of midnight to carry some 
weight, some additional “significance". It matters not whether tis with their 
“partner” of choice or not so long as the experience is memorable! The decision 
of what to choose for the moment of change-of-year is the root of Sue’s 
original search. 

I hope many will share options from their own experiences of the “New Year” at 
a dance. My personal approach to the “form” of year ending/year beginning is 
tempered by a desire to fulfill the “need” many have to stand with their 
sweetie while allowing any and all - even those with no partner - to join in. 
(Community considerations include all present. That is a “given”.) 

There are serious expectations for some within the contra dance community that 
a “contra dance” will NOT include any dances BUT contra (addressed by many for 
years now though not germane to this topic specifically). La Bastringue is a 
good choice for those willing to try a circle mixer. Like so many older dances, 
it has always been associated with the tune of the same name.
Below is a YouTube link to four couples doing a very fine version. Note that 
while one man only is present in this YouTube presentation, his “original” 
partner is the lady to his Left! Timing the dance for four couples could easily 
lead all present into a short dance within a “community of eight dancers” so 
that as the fifth time through approaches it is suddenly MIDNIGHT! Hurrah! 
Swing your Partner!

Similarly, an enticing option is for the same dance in one single circle which 
is how it is presented usually. (Being in a circle is the oldest common 
“community” dynamic ever!) And bridging the gap into midnight could “give way” 
to ending the dance with your Original Partner too - no matter how large the 
circle! Use of the Right and Left Grand to Original Partners is also an option 
(though contra dancers may have to “learn” that one single figure)!
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Another Option: “Oh How Lovely Is The Evening”
a singing round, with concentric circles for “as many as will” join in! 
(Hopefully ALL!)
Singing? “We don’t do that” some will say. But once you’ve taught this round 
(with or without a Partner) THEN you may introduce the dance. It’s simplicity 
of a high order here.

Oh how lovely is the evening, is the evening
        (Circle Left)
When the bells are sweetly ringing, sweetly ringing
        (Circle Right)
Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong . . .
        (In place, all swing joined hands up and down in the arch of a bell 
ringing three times)

NOTE: The “leader” will want to make a prearrangement for the inner most circle 
to follow their lead so that after a few time (or until it’s MidNight) the 
Round continues only as many times as there are circles. The ending is started 
thusly:       the inner circle continues with the last line and it’s associated 
movement of ringing the bells
                                                                the second 
circle also will continue with the final line - now there are two circles 
leading all toward conclusion
                                                                the third 
circle (and so on) will “pick up” on the use of the final line sung in unison 
(three more times)
                                                                ending with a 
loud harmony resolve the last time!

Here is another YouTube example in full daylight! Imagine this with the 
prearrangement of the band in the center with candles…
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While many may respond with other dance options for consideration, use your 
creative “juices” and follow your own inspiration. Be creative. Go for it. The 
more time and effort you put into it, the more “content” will come out via the 
dancers connecting with each other, with the whole. This, gentle readers, is 
the desire we all share for such a time: Memorable!

Monday, December 21st is the Solstice. To all my friends, Happy New Year!
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Original Post for this thread: 
Hi -
No need to remind you that 2016 is fast approaching.   
What are your favorite dances to program before/after the midnight hour at your 
New Year's Eve events?

Sue Gola
On Dec 19, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Bill Olson via Callers 
<> wrote:

Good point, I suppose there's always going to be someone "put out", but I have 
never had any complaints. New Year's Eve dances usually go on PAST midnight, so 
they are longer than normal and plenty of time to dance with "the one they're 
going home with". I just like the community aspect of the mixer.. everyone 
seems to "get" that.
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 07:08:20 -0800
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Callers] New Years Eve favorites
From: <>

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015, Bill Olson via Callers wrote:

I got this one from David Kaynor and have used it several times: “La
Bastringue", timed so everyone is going into the center with a big
hoot at the stroke of midnight.

Just to be clear, La Bastringue is not a contra, it's a circle mixer.
Which means some people might be put out by not having their partner at
midnight, have you ever had complaints about that?
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