My favorites:

1. To my mind, the classic box circulate dance--probably because it was the
first one I ever danced!

> Chinese New Year by Chris Page || improper (adv'd)
> Starts in long waves, gents face out, Ns by R
> A1: bal. wave & box circulate (2x) (LX G loop; GX L loop)
> A2: bal. wave & box circulate (LX G loop)
> P swing
> B1: circle L 3/4
> N swing
> B2: long lines
> R to P, bal. & pull by (4)
> N alle. L → long waves (4)

2. Can't for the life of me remember where I picked this one up, but it's
super fun!

> Susie's Send-Off by Scott Higgs || improper* (adv'd)
> A1: long lines
> gents alle. L 1 1/2 → short waves (RH to P)
> A2: bal. wave, P alle. R 3/4 → long waves (ladies face out)
> bal. wave & circulate (GX, L loop)
> B1: bal. wave & circulate (G loop, LX)
> P swing (gent's home side)
> B2: circle L 3/4 & pass thru
> new N swing
> * starts with 1s below the 2s (technically starts reverse-indecent), but
> can start teaching/calling from improper without any ill effects

3. One of my favorites--everyone gets that satisfying
cross-the-set-to-swing transition.

> Double Click by Bob Isaacs || becket left (adv'd)
> A1: circle L 3/4 and pass thru
> new ladies alle. L 1/2 (4)
> P alle. R 3/4 → long waves (ladies face in) (4)
> A2: bal. wave & box circulate (LX, GL)
> new N swing (on gent's home side)
> B1: long lines
> 1/2 hey → long waves*
> B2: bal. wave & box circulate (GX, LL)
> P swing
> * 1/2 hey = GL, PR, LL, as if to pass N2 by R but take RH instead. Wave =
> N2 in RH, N1 in LH, gents facing P's back

4. Bonus: not realllllly a box circulate dance, but sorta like a box
circulate from long wavy lines in the middle? It sprung to mind when I read
this thread, so I figured I'd share!

> Ellie's Pumpkin Show by Bill Olson || becket left (adv'd)
> A1: (slide L to) circle L 3/4 and make long wave of ladies
> bal. wave, ladies walk fwd. (4) to spiral P 3/4 (4)
> A2: circle L 3/4 and make long wave of gents
> bal. wave, gents walk fwd. (4) to spiral P 3/4 (4)
> B1: full hey (gents by L)
> B2: P b&s

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Vicki Morrison via Callers <> wrote:

> Hello all. In addition to the lovely Du Quoin Races dance by Orace
> Johnson, are you familiar with any other box circulate dances that you
> could share? Thanks!
> Vicki Morrison
> Tallahassee, FL
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