Highly recommend Dale Wilson's Gold Star Wednesday - I added Dale to this 
reply and he can fill you in on a teaching secret.  It contains the star 
inversion that comes from square dancing.
Also Rang Tang Contra by Ridge Kennedy comes to mind - it uses the Georgia Rang 
Tang figure.
Kath Anderson's Deep Well uses a figure she saw clogers performing - does that 

Mac Mckeever

    On Saturday, September 23, 2017, 12:05:24 PM CDT, Mark Hillegonds via 
Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:  
 Hi all,
I'm preparing for a workshop at a dance weekend in November where the theme 
will be contra dances that incorporate square dance moves.
I have a number dances with square thrus and swing thrus and box circulates. 
However, these moves are fairly well known at this point. This will be an 
advanced group of dancers so I'm looking for dances that incorporate more 
unique and sophisicated moves.
I know Bob Isaacs has several that quality, with dances that use Spin the Top 
and Spin Chain Exchange the Gears.
Looking forward to seeing what you may have.
Mark Hillegonds

Cell:  734-756-8441
Email:  mark.hillego...@gmail.com
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